There is much to be thankful for. The Lord’s blessings are more abundant & numerous than all the stars in the sky. His majesty is from everlasting to everlasting. (Ps. 41:13, 90:2; 1 Chron. 29:10) He is the Author (Heb. 12:2) & Creator (Is. 40:28), beginning & the end. (Rev. 1:8) He is high & lifted up. (Isa. 57:15-17)
We earnestly remember all You have done in our lives, our nations, & this world. We praise & thank You, Lord, for the gift of Your son, Your mercy & grace, & Your lovingkindness. Let us always hold near to our hearts Your greatness & Your goodness.
We are grateful to each of our Ministry Partners. We ask for blessings, peace, & their days to be filled with joy (Neh. 8:10) in Jesus’ name.
Happy Thanksgiving!
JGM Team
Deut. 16:14
1 Chron. 16:34-35, 29:13
Ps. 7:17, 9:1, 22:3
John 7:37-38
1 Thess. 5:18
Check out the full video interview here:
Feb. 12, 2025
Words of Encouragement Scriptures:
Ps. 34:4, 7, 17, 19
2 Tim. 1:7
1 John 4:4
Ps. 107:6
Ps. 50:15
Truth is going to decimate and rip away the power of the old guard and establishment.
But God!
God is the God of all. God will deliver you out of it all.
No enemy can stand the power and presence of Almighty God.
God can and He will. He is the God of surprises.
Prophecy Scriptures:
Ps. 94:23
Ps. 33:8-12
Jer. 1:19
Ps. 21:11
Isa. 54:15, 17
Dan. 4:35
Luke 8:17
Luke 12:2
Ps. 37:12-13
Eph. 5:11
Prov. 21:30
Ps. 10:5
Heb. 10:30
Declare and decree that God is wiping out your enemies.
People will stand in awe of what Almighty God is going to do.
No one can stop God's hand from moving.
The defeat of your enemies is coming.
Nothing can stop God or His plans.
Hold on because vengeance is God’s.
When the enemy tries to intensify things, God will intensify the truth.
This is the time where God is delivering you out of every weapon the enemy has used against you.
God wants you to have courage and strength during times of darkness.
God is working behind the scenes. Don’t give up hope.
Read more here:
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