Words of Encouragement Scriptures:
Deut. 31:8
Heb. 13:5-6
1 John 4:4
God will not leave or forsake you. God is with you. He marches with you in the battle.
Emmauel- God is with us.
Do not fear or lose faith.
Fight fear with the Word of God.
You can boldly say when you're being attacked that God is your helper and He will not abandon you.
Prophecy Scriptures:
Deut. 28:7
Ps. 2:1-12
Luke 10:19
Gen. 1:26-28
Ps. 115:16
2 Chron. 7:14
Ps. 3:1-8
Ex. 15:6
Ps. 8:6 (and read all of this chapter)
John 8:32
Ps. 9:19-20
Isa. 54:17
1 Cor. 2:9
Job 6:23-25
John 14:13
2 Kings 7 (entire chapter)
Isa. 55:8
God has disarmed your enemies.
God sits in the heavens and laughs because your enemies are nothing compared to Him.
God always warns before He does anything.
Jesus destroyed the enemy's power over you.
God is the One Who protects His people and destroys the enemies.
God is El Elyon- The Most High God.
Your enemies are not done fighting so do not let your guard down.
God is pouring out His Glory like never before.
Speak God's Word with boldness and with power.
Stand on God's Word for every part of your life.
God is everywhere. He is Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.
God makes your enemies scatter and cuts them off.
You have the Greater One on the inside of you and you have been given the power of the name above all names-Jesus!
This is a new season of breakout, breakthrough and break forth.
There is much to be thankful for. The Lord’s blessings are more abundant & numerous than all the stars in the sky. His majesty is from everlasting to everlasting. (Ps. 41:13, 90:2; 1 Chron. 29:10) He is the Author (Heb. 12:2) & Creator (Is. 40:28), beginning & the end. (Rev. 1:8) He is high & lifted up. (Isa. 57:15-17)
We earnestly remember all You have done in our lives, our nations, & this world. We praise & thank You, Lord, for the gift of Your son, Your mercy & grace, & Your lovingkindness. Let us always hold near to our hearts Your greatness & Your goodness.
We are grateful to each of our Ministry Partners. We ask for blessings, peace, & their days to be filled with joy (Neh. 8:10) in Jesus’ name.
Happy Thanksgiving!
JGM Team
Deut. 16:14
1 Chron. 16:34-35, 29:13
Ps. 7:17, 9:1, 22:3
John 7:37-38
1 Thess. 5:18
Check out the full video interview here:
Words of Encouragement Scriptures:
Ps. 18:1-3
Ps. 5:11
Nah. 1:7
Ps. 27:5
Prov. 3:5-6
God is on the throne and His words are coming to pass.
God is your safe place, your protector and shield.
God is your safety and provides protection from your enemies.
God cares for those who trust in Him.
God will protect you from everything the enemy is trying to do against you.
Prophecy Scriptures:
Isa. 40:15
Ps. 22:28
Dan. 4:17, 34-35
Ps. 75:7
Ps. 57:6
Ps. 31:4
Ps. 18:37-50
Ps. 37:7-13
Ps. 115:16
Ps. 28:4
Luke 8:17
Luke 12:2
God is the Alpha & Omega. The Beginning and the end. He is omnipotent.
Your enemies are nothing compared to Almighty God.
God is El Elyon- The Most High God.
Be in agreement with the Word of God and what God says.
God's dominion is everlasting.
God is moving. He is working.
God is the One that pays back those who harm you.
God is putting your enemies under your feet.
God is taking out the people that do not belong in their positions of power. He is doing something so ...